Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Don't Bury Me, I'm Not Yet Dead

Wow. It's ... it's been a while, huh? Oh, who am I kidding? It's been eight months. I'm absolutely awful. To be honest with you, I completely forgot this blog even existed. I got so caught up on tumblr and twitter, so absorbed by fandom love, than I forgot what it was like to just sit down and write like this. I guess I got so used to just spewing my thoughts in a mess of keysmashes and bad grammar on tumblr, in a million different posts, that I stopped appreciating this blog because it's so different.

So, hi. A lot of things have happened since April. I've read through this blog to remind myself of what you do and do not know, and I think I should talk in bulletpoints, just to sum up what you've missed, yes?

  • I did end up going to counselling sessions, but they screwed me over and cancelled them a few months later ... I was there long enough for them to diagnose me with depression and anxiety, though. 
  • I kind of stopped going to school completely because my headaches were getting unbearable, so now I'm a part of this amazing online school! It's fantastic and I'm finally getting education again.
  • I still have those headaches, for the record.
  • And a cyst in my brain. But that's not anything to worry about and it's not the cause of my headaches.
  • In fact, the cause is still a mystery and the doctors have pretty much given up.
  • I'm gay! Yup. Thought I was pansexual, but it turns out I'm really not into guys at all. 
  • A few friends know, one of them is bi herself, but other than that, I'm still closeted.
  • I still have insomnia, and it's 3:10am as I write this and I'm really tired and my brain isn't functioning properly.
  • Okay, actually not that much has happened, I've spent most of this year shut up in my room so I don't have many stories to share. But that's what you missed!
I'm going to make Christmas/New Year posts when I'm more coherent, and hopefully, I might see you guys a little more often, hey? Sorry for leaving you again.