Tuesday 27 December 2011

Don't Bury Me, I'm Not Yet Dead

Wow. It's ... it's been a while, huh? Oh, who am I kidding? It's been eight months. I'm absolutely awful. To be honest with you, I completely forgot this blog even existed. I got so caught up on tumblr and twitter, so absorbed by fandom love, than I forgot what it was like to just sit down and write like this. I guess I got so used to just spewing my thoughts in a mess of keysmashes and bad grammar on tumblr, in a million different posts, that I stopped appreciating this blog because it's so different.

So, hi. A lot of things have happened since April. I've read through this blog to remind myself of what you do and do not know, and I think I should talk in bulletpoints, just to sum up what you've missed, yes?

  • I did end up going to counselling sessions, but they screwed me over and cancelled them a few months later ... I was there long enough for them to diagnose me with depression and anxiety, though. 
  • I kind of stopped going to school completely because my headaches were getting unbearable, so now I'm a part of this amazing online school! It's fantastic and I'm finally getting education again.
  • I still have those headaches, for the record.
  • And a cyst in my brain. But that's not anything to worry about and it's not the cause of my headaches.
  • In fact, the cause is still a mystery and the doctors have pretty much given up.
  • I'm gay! Yup. Thought I was pansexual, but it turns out I'm really not into guys at all. 
  • A few friends know, one of them is bi herself, but other than that, I'm still closeted.
  • I still have insomnia, and it's 3:10am as I write this and I'm really tired and my brain isn't functioning properly.
  • Okay, actually not that much has happened, I've spent most of this year shut up in my room so I don't have many stories to share. But that's what you missed!
I'm going to make Christmas/New Year posts when I'm more coherent, and hopefully, I might see you guys a little more often, hey? Sorry for leaving you again.

Saturday 30 April 2011


I went shopping with my family today, to Matalan, but my nan and I had finished browsing within twenty minutes so we got my grandad and we went to my uncle's house while my mum shopped. Thing is, my mum takes hours to look through that shop, and the three of us end up bored out of our minds. So we decided to not be bored for a change. We got to my uncle's house and hung out for a bit, then me, my uncle and my little cousin went to a nearby park for a little while. It was pretty amusing because my cousin is the most adorable thing in existence and everything he does amuses me.

We went back to his house at around half four, and on the walk back, my uncle decided to pester me about boys. How about no. It wasn't too bad, though. Anyway, a little while after we got back, my aunt went to pick my mum up and they got fish&chips while they were out. I just had chips. Just as we finished dinner, Doctor Who started, so we sat down and watched that. It was amazing, but my cousin was being pretty loud so I want to re-watch it on BBC iPlayer before the next episode airs.

Then we played Wii Fit for a while, which was hilarious, before my grandparents, mum and I headed home. It's been a pretty good day. Now I'm sitting in my room, it's almost midnight, and I'm watching Hercules. One of the best Disney movies ever? Oh, definitely.

Starkid's newest musical, Starship, is being uploaded onto YouTube later tonight, but it'll be 3AM here so I don't know if I'll watch it tonight or tomorrow. I'm pretty tired, so I might just call it a night. I'm tempted to set my alarm so I wake up before it's uploaded, but I don't know, I might just not bother. I'm pretty psyched for it, though.

Tomorrow, Mum and I are probably going to re-watch the X-Men movies, so that should be fun. I'm a total action movie lover. I adore them.

Anyway, I'm going to get out of your hair and get back to watching Hercules. BEDA is over, but I'll try to blog more often than usual in future months. I owe you eleven drabbles, and I'm going to try and make some of them original fiction, though some will inevitably be fanfiction. So if you could send me some prompts, I'd really appreciate it.

See you guys!

Friday 29 April 2011

The Royal Wedding

I didn't watch the Royal Wedding, I was still asleep by the time it was over and I had no interest in watching it anyway, however my grandad made us keep the news on, so I ended up seeing about half an hour's worth of clips from the entire thing. So I basically watched a condensed version of the ceremony. It was ... I don't know, kind of interesting, I suppose. The hats some of the people were wearing were hilarious.

Before the news, we watched Bridge to Terabithia, and afterwards, we watched Labyrinth. They're two of my favourite movies and my family really enjoyed them. They're both very fantastical, and they're great.

I forgot to blog yesterday. Yeah, I know, I'm a complete failure. But, hey, there's only one more day left! I don't know why I tell myself to do BEDA, I always know I'll probably fail, and I have to literally force myself into blogging sometimes. Alas, I'm a sucker for competition, even if I end up not trying very hard, and it's kind of fun. I owe you a ton of drabbles now, though. Huh.

I have two graphics waiting to be completed, so I'm going to say goodbye and get back to that. See you tomorrow!