Tuesday 26 April 2011

Glee Twins Manip: Fabray Twins 01

“No daughter of mine will be seen with another girl!” Mr Fabray yelled angrily. “You’ve been spending too much time with that disgusting faggot, haven’t you? He’s been putting ideas into your head, hasn’t he?!”
“Daddy,” the Fabray twins whimpered helplessly, both on the verge of crying.
“You are not my daughter!” He pointed a shaking finger at Quinn, who let out a dry sob at his words. He stormed towards the door, shouting “I don’t want to see your face around here again!” before slamming his way out of the house.
Quinn turned into Mr Schue’s open arms, beginning to sob against his chest. “You told me it would be alright,” she cried. “You told me he’d understand.”
Mr Schue stared at Mrs Fabray as he hugged Quinn, eyes wide and searching, afraid almost. Kaitlynn looked at her mother across the room and shook her head in disgust. How a mother could let someone like Mr Fabray talk to her own daughter like that was beyond her. She felt her eyes well up with tears and she glanced at the wall, biting the inside of her cheek as she willed herself not to cry.
“You shouldn’t let him stop you,” Kaitlynn said quietly. “You and Rachel, you love each other. Don’t let his homophobia stop you from being happy. And he’s right, you’re not his daughter. He isn’t our father. He’s a selfish, ignorant, narrow-minded fool who doesn’t deserve us. We can’t stay here, Quinnie.”
“Lynn, what-“
“We don’t belong here. Mom, if you really loved us, you wouldn’t have let what just happened happen. You would have stopped him.” Kaitlynn turned to Quinn, biting her lip and reaching over to stroke Quinn’s cheek. “You deserve a better home than this, Quinn. We both do. Let’s go pack, find somewhere to stay. Let’s find a place we can call home.”
Quinn nodded, crying quietly and hugging her arms over her chest as her sister guided her to their bedroom. Neither of them knew where they would stay, who would take them in, how this would work. They were so unprepared and secretly petrified of facing the world alone. But they had each other, and that was all they needed. Together, they were safe. Everything would be alright.

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