Sunday 28 February 2010

Behind the Computer Screen.

'Ello all!
This is my everyday blog.
It will include rants, and funny stories, and links, and musings...
And random stuff like that.

Fun facts
- Stephanie Morgan [insert last name here].
- Please, do call me Steph.
- My middle name used to bother me. I still hate it, but I've accepted it, now.
- Located in England
- Attending Year 8 (2nd year, 7th grade) in a Secondary School, just round the corner from my house.
- I love to write.
- Insults make me laugh.
- Improper grammar annoys me to no end.
- Preachers amuse me [I'm an atheist, deal with it]

And, that's a little about me ^.^

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