Friday, 5 March 2010

The Side Effects of Being Ill.

I bring this to you, because surprise surprise, I'm ill.
And I'm talking to nobody, because I have no followers. Whoop. Imma loner.
Anyway ...

The Side Effects of Being Ill:

Migraine: Not being able to read, use the laptop, or listen to music without stopping every few minutes to recover. Flinching at sudden noises. Having to stay in darkness, because light hurts. Sleeping a lot, because that's supposed to help fix it. Cupping ears with hands to block out noise, as if that will make the headache leave.

Sore throat: Eating only soft/liquid-y things, like soup, yoghurts, bread, scrambled eggs. Saying "ow"/gritting teeth/wincing/clenching fists/groaning every other time you swallow/hiccup/gasp/etc.. Not being able to raise your voice, because speaking loudly hurts.

Barking cough: Waking up in the middle of the night, just to have a coughing fit. Pains in chest. Making aforementioned sore throat worse.

Sniffles: Quick disappearance of tissues. Annoying others around you with sniffling noises. Annoying yourself with that constant runny nose feeling.

(Now, I would include 'Ear infection', but since I'm not entirely sure what I have is an ear infection, or whether it's just my ear being freaky, I'll just post my side effects of a possible ear infection).

My possible ear infection: Noises sounding robotic/techno/tinny/computerised through one ear, while other ear is normal. Saying "Whoa, that sounds weird" when hearing a new noise through freaky ear. Ear feels blocked. When blocking one ear, everything sounds normal (works with both ears), yet when both ears are open, they don't co-operate and the weird noise effect returns.

Not going to school: Watching one and a half seasons (4&halfof5) of Charmed on DVD. Finishing one book, starting another (despite head hurting). Incredible boredom. Missing friends. Increasing insanity. Laziness.

As you can see, being ill is not fun.
Is there anything else Merlin would like to throw at me?

And now, my head feels like it's splitting, so I'm going to turn the laptop off now.

Over and out.

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