Thursday, 18 March 2010

Ill Again? ALREADY?!

Yeah, you read that right. I'm ill AGAIN. Even though I only recovered two weeks ago from a cold.

This time, I have a cold AND tonsillitis. Sore throat, bad cough, sniffles, and no voice! Well, I say "no" voice... very little voice. And what voice I have is all croaky and broken, so people can barely understand me anyway. I started to get the sniffles and cough on Monday, which was inset day at school. I went into school on Tuesday, feeling worse, and it was awful. Yesterday, I stayed at home and went to the doctors, where they announced that I had mild tonsillitis.

I'm losing my voice; I have to repeat what I want to say, like, five times before any noise comes out. And when I do, it's very quiet, blocked up, and deep o.0 It's very annoying. I've taken to shouting the words out when it doesn't work the first time, because I'm sick of it... I hate not having a voice.

Along with that, I've probably used up a box and a half of tissues.

And, due to the cough, I've been waking up at all times of the night, coughing and spluttering my guts up. I've been getting practically no sleep at all. If I've gotten more than two hours last night, and the night before, I'll be surprised. However, luckily, this morning, after deciding I wouldn't be going back to school, I managed to stay in bed until 1pm, though I was waking up, like, every twenty minutes or so. Regardless, at least I got SOME extra sleep.

I really hate having time of school. It makes me so behind, and I hate it. Not to mention, being at home, not being able to leave the house, I get very bored. All my friends online are at school, and I've finished my book, and there's nothing on the TV, and I've finished that series of Charmed ... I just get very bored, very quick.

However, on the bright side, I've finished Witch Child, which was my thirteenth book this year (I know... such a small number... I need to pick up the slack if I'm going to read fifty books throughout 2010!), and it was amazing. Review can be found hither. Also, I've nearly finished Season 2 of Charmed, and then I'll start on Season 1 (because watching them backwards is fun ^.^), but I tend to leave them to watch at night, before bed. I'm planning on starting to watch the Supernatural episodes, of Series 1, that my uncle put onto a USB for me AGES ago and I never got round to watching. Because I hear that Supernatural is good, but I've been so caught up in school and the Internet that watching Supernatural just hasn't occurred to me. Being ill, however; watching it seems like the perfect way to spend my time.

On the dark side, again, my friend [Jess] and I were planning on going to see Alice in Wonderland this weekend. However, with me stuck at home with tonsillitis and an asthmatic cough, the chances that we'll see those plans through are very, very small. Microscopic, in fact.

*sigh* ... Merlin hates me.

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