Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Nothing Eventful

"I'll try and post every other day," I said ... and then didn't post for five days.

I've been busy doing homework and, more completely, studying for my Biology GCSE (which is on Thursday! Ack!). When I'm not studying or at school, I'm sleeping or spending time on here, talking to friends. When I'm not studying, I'm just really not in the mood for blogging. I'm not now, actually, I just decided I should try and actually stick to my promise.

Aside from the fact that I'm never in the mood to blog, there's also the little factor that I have nothing to talk about. Nothing eventful is happening at school, and what is happening is top secret, tell-anyone-and-I'll-have-to-kill-you kind of stuff, so I can't exactly talk about it here.

I've been suffering with headaches, lately, too. Nothing too bad like before, not painful enough to bring my life to an abrupt halt, but I've been getting them at least twice every day for the past week or so. It's not fun.

I've had a lot of down moments over the past couple of days for several reasons. I won't go into detail but January is a bad month for me as it is, especially this year with the stress of the GCSE exam. There's also a whole lot of stuff going round in my head at the moment (stuff which, at the current time, I'm not comfortable discussing ... with anyone) which generally leads to me getting angsty when I think about it all too much.

So, my life is extremely uneventful and dull at the moment, though I hope it'll pick up soon. Exam stress will be (partially) over on Thursday, and my friend's birthday* is at the weekend so we're going to the cinema/city centre/her house. That ought to lighten my mood a bit. I'll probably post about that afterwards, so that's something to ... I don't know ... look forward to?

I suppose I'll see you all later.

*Speaking of birthdays, mine is (unfortunately) coming up. People keep nagging me about doing something for it, and I just ... do not want to.


  1. When is your birthday, exactly?

    I think Josh (the one who called you bi and stuff) has gotten to your head. And Science + revision = headaches anyway. You've got a lot to cope with.

    Don't think too much about blogging when you've got so much on your head. Don't make yourself feel guilty, okay? Just relax a bit; we're all here for you :D .

    Good luck with the exams, Stephie.

  2. Good luck in your exams and don't worry about the other things, they tend to have a habit of sorting themselves out. And don't worry about blogging, I totally understand that sometimes, you just don't know what to talk about. we're here if you need us :)
