Thursday, 13 January 2011

Pre-Exam Stress

It's late, the night before my exam, and I can't sleep. My head hurts, like usual, and I'm petrified of failing tomorrow. I've studied myself into a frenzy, my friend and I quizzed each other today after school, I've done everything I possibly can to try and get everything into my overcrowded brain. I know I'm prepared, I know that I know enough to get a passing grade, but my paranoia is getting the better of me and convincing me that I know nothing and that I will fail.

I'm sorry for being such a Debbie Downer lately, and thank you so much to those of you who commented and gave me your support and kind words. You have no idea how much I appreciate it that you took the time to leave those comments for me.

The stuff going on in my head isn't something that can sort itself out overnight. I understand that you don't know what it is so you won't be able to get it, but it's something I have to come to terms with about myself and by myself. That's going to take time because I'm so confused about it, and I wish I felt comfortable enough to talk about it but I really don't. When I do, however, you -- my readers -- will be some of the first people to know.

Telling me not to worry, though I understand you have good intentions, generally only tends to make me worry more. I try not to think about whatever is worrying me which effectively only makes me more aware of it which makes me worry more. It's a vicious cycle, and one I've fallen prey to more than once.

My birthday, Megha, is on 31st January. Once my birthday is over, I will blog about it. It will either be a babble about how excited I am that it turned out alright, or an angst!fest because it got ruined. All (about why I'm dreading this birthday) will be explained in that blog post.

Right, I'm starting to feel more tired now, so I'm going to try and get some more sleep. I hope I'm not too exhausted for the exam tomorrow. See you, readers!

1 comment:

  1. Happy nearly birthday!

    I'm sorry you felt like that. Exams are vicious, mean things. How was your exam today?
