Sunday, 18 July 2010

Eclipse Movie Review

For my friend's birthday, we and two of our friends went to the cinema to see Eclipse yesterday. My present to her was paying for her ticket. I went in thinking it would be rubbish, and I was right. I mean, it wasn't completely terrible. It had it's good parts. But overall, like the past two movies, it sucked.

Now, before I start telling you the pros and cons, I just want to describe us for a moment. Me, Kelly, Shannon, Jess. I've been to the cinema with them all before (not all together, mind) and I got serious nostalgia when Shannon and I were alone (Kelly and Jess went to get drinks, then Shannon and I went to get drinks, then Kelly and Jess went to the loo). See, Shannon and I were best friends from my birth to half way through Year Seven, after which we started to go our different ways. Sitting there in the cinema before the movie started, talking to Shannon about old times was so amazing, it honestly made my day. Throughout the movie, we whispered to each other a lot, laughed at the cheesy scenes together, pointing things out.  We've even arranged to see "The Hole" together - just the two of us - when it comes out. It was just like old times, and I miss that so much.

But anyway. Let's start from the beginning.

The first three quarters of the film were so dull, they bored me to almost-tears. Seriously. When alone together, Bella and Edward talk in such monotone voices, it sounds like they're reading from a script when it shouldn't! Hell, I have more emotion in my voice when I'm half asleep, and that's saying something. However, I must admit, I loved the very first scene in which we see Riley getting changed into a vampire. When I first saw him, I lent over to Jess and whispered, "That's Riley, right?" And right I was.

In connection to that, I loved seeing snippets of Riley and the army throughout the entire movie. It was a really nice touch, because we don't (can't) see that in the book, when we should.

I was really disappointed with the re-casting of Victoria, though. Rachelle Lefevre pulled Victoria off stunningly well. She has the looks, the poise, the skill. She was the highlight of the first movie, I thought. This new girl, though, Bryce Dallas Howard, ruined it. She's not half as pretty as Rachelle, her acting wasn't as good (not saying it was awful, though), and she didn't have the snarky confidence that Victoria is supposed to have. That was such a disappointment because honestly, I was looking forward to seeing Rachelle again.*

One thing that made me super super happy though was the role Jasper played in it. Firstly, he is one of the four characters I like. Secondly, Jackson Rathbone is SO FREAKING CUTE. Thirdly, his screen time was far too short in Twilight and New Moon. Jasper is such an amazing character, and I was so pleased when I realised they'd decided to give him his moment in the spotlight. Also, the Alice/Jasper moments were unbearably adorable.

Emmett, as per usual, was freaking adorable. Taylor Lautner played Jacob really well this time (wasn't keen on him in New Moon), though when all the girls sighed at the sight of him topless, Jess and I yelled "ERRRGH!" really loudly. Which was fun. I still hate Dakota Fanning as Jane. Though I did love it when he said "We don't give second chances." That poor little newborn she killed (the one the Cullens were going to raise) was played really well. Riley wasn't cast well, but he was acted out well. Seth was freaking adorable, but Leah wasn't as pretty as I'd envisioned.

Kristen's acting has gotten better, though it's still not terrific. We cracked up when Bella was trying to "get it on" with Edward. E: "Stop trying to take your clothes off." B: "Do you wanna do it for me?" E: "Not tonight." B: *looks devastated* HA! I lovelovelovelove that scene. Purely because Bella got REJECTED. But then Edward asks for her hand in marriage. The whole proposal thing was so boring that I zoned out towards the end of it, but when he picks her up and twirls her around, I thought that was really cute. However, again, Bella sucked.

Rob's acting has also improved a lot. Edward is very, very cocky in this movie. Even more so than in the last ones. But Merlin ... his false American accent still fools no one. He should just stick with his normal accent, give the silly American fangirls something else to squeal over.

I enjoyed the film from the tent scene onwards. It was my favourite scene in the book (I'm Team Jacob, and Edward got pissed - how could I not like it?), and when I realised it was coming up, I was literally bouncing in my seat. It wasn't quite as good as I'd anticipated, but Merlin, it was fantastic. The look on Edward's face when Jacob climbed in was amazing. E: "If we weren't natural enemies and you weren't trying to steal my reason for existing, I could like you." J: "If you weren't going to suck the life out of the girl I love, I .... no ... not even that." Way to go, Jake. And the kiss (the second one, that is)! So much sweeter than any of Bella and Edward's kisses. They look like Edward's trying to eat Bella. Jacob and Bella's kiss was just *sigh* perfect.

The fight scene was pretty good. I loved the way the vampires smashed as if they were stone (which, well, they are, but you know...) - that's something we never really got to see in the first two movies. However the ending was such a snooze moment, with Bella and Edward talking in that damn field. I hate that field.

So, overall, the movie sucked. The first three quarters, my friends and I kept complaining to each other about being bored. And then it got decent.

*Seriously, just look at them: Rachelle | Bryce

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