Monday 5 July 2010

Favourite "Quotes" From Pink Concert

Forgot to mention these in the last blog post XD

After she'd sung two songs, she talked to us for a bit. The first thing she said? "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for bringing me to a place where I can ride rollercoasters!"

Soon after: "... and I slept in a submarine, that was weird, but ... it's all good now."

Before she sung I Don't Believe You: "Crying is underrated: It's one of my favourite things to do."

And after that: "So, yeah, if you wanna cry, remember, make out ... now's the time to do it."

When introducing Butch Walker, lead singer of Black Widows, onto the stage: "... my best friend, my songwriting pal, my drinking buddy..."

After finishing a song, holding a squishy frog: "Someone threw me this little frog. I love this frog."

"What does that say?" *squints to read banner someone's holding up. "Oh. Awwwww. I love you, too!"

*a group of people scream something at the front* "Did you guys just hear that? You *looks at the people who screamed* are awesome. I want to kiss you all. I love you."

Yes. Pink is infinitely awesome.

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