Friday, 30 July 2010


Tomorrow, it's the birthday of three special people. Harry Potter, JKRowling, and Joey Richter (Ron in AVPM). I have my day (almost) completely planned out. It's going to be a day of celebration, in my own little way.

I'm going to download the free versions of the songs from AVPS (they're available tomorrow), and listen to them a lot, I'm going to edit and upload my entry for a HP fanfiction competition I'm participating in, read and write some HP fanfiction, watch AVPM (as much as I love AVPS, too, it's much too long, considering I DO want to get other stuff done tomorrow XD), make AVPM/S-related icons, and finish reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Hopefully, if I time it carefully, this should take up most of the day.

And you know what? I'm extremely excited for this.

All three of the people who are turning a year older are role models to me. Harry Potter tells me to keep going, JKRowling tells me not to rush into publishing (it'll pay off), and Joey Richter ... well ... he tells me that it's gonna be totally awesome.

Oh, and also... I'm thinking of doing Blog Every Day In August. A lot of it will probably consist of short stories and stuff, but I'm going to try! Wish me luck? Yay (:


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