Sunday 30 May 2010

You couldn't care less, could you?

 IT'S HALF TERM!! I need the break xD

So, it's been a week since I last blogged, and once again, I went to the city centre with Jess, and I stayed round hers afterwards. We watched this week's episode of Doctor Who, immediately followed by Vampires of Venice because she had Sky+'d it, and I still hadn't got round to watching it. Vampires of Venice was an alright episode, but I was a little disappointed at how they weren't even vampires. Now, I'm not a fan of vampires, but I honestly thought they would actually be vampires. But no. They're fish. Which is just ... silly. But overall, the episode was enjoyable.

I'm going to write another blog in a minute, concentrating more on our time up the city, because there are quite a few incidents I want to share with you, but I don't want everything to clash together like they normally do. So I'm spreading it out, working backwards. This is the "sleepover" part.

After watching Doctor Who, we watched Britain's Got Talent (on Sky+, because we missed it watching Doctor Who), and honestly, Jess and I are both disgusted that some of the people got through. Namely, the Irish guy with the green beard, the orange cruise entertainer, the Lady Gaga drag queen, and the rest of that WTF group. Our faces when the judges said they'd through were identical - jaws on the floor, eyes bulging, scrunched up noses. We're horrified, and seriously questioning the judges' sanity. Are you?

Although, that being said, they also put through a lot of amazing acts, like Connected, Chloe Hickinbottom, Tobias Mead, Olivia whatsherface, The Arrangement, etc., etc.

ANYWAY, after BGT, we watched the results of Eurovision, which I hold no interest in. We came last, at ten points, while Germany were on two-hundred and something. We were third from last for a while, until Ireland overtook us. Then we were the penultimate country for quite a long time ... but then someone gave Belarus twelve points, and they overtook us. And we sat there patiently in last place, waiting for some love that we never received. Go us! Heh.

Then, out of boredom, we watched Lee Evans. He's really annoying, but he can be funny at times, and he sweats like crazy. I love how he always has a towel on stage with him, to wipe away the sweat. Poor fella. We fell asleep half-way through one of his old live shows, but Jess woke up and turned it off. I was sleeping on a two-seater sofa, all scrunched up. And yet I was comfy xD

And that's about it. We couldn't do much else, because of the rain. But you couldn't care less, could you? You probably really don't care. Because this is one of the most boring blogs ever, right? I know xD

I'm just going to remove and add things onto my to-do list, rather than crossing them off, because it saves space, and it makes more sense. Here we go, not a lot of improvement:

-- Write up RPG rules for KWC and 'Secret Project'
-- Arrange with friend who's going to write which rules for Secret Project
-- Make blog skin.
-- Make Secret Project Header Banners
-- STAMPS! (I know what I mean. Don't ask xD)
-- Watch Death Note
-- Watch OHSHC
-- Buy VK Merch

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