Monday 4 April 2011

Glee Twin Manips: The Lopez Twins 01

“Yeah, Sis, I know,” Sami said into her phone, examining her nails. “Coach is gonna flip shit when she sees this old uniform. I’ve already been over it with San. Hey, Christie, chill already, will you? It’s not my fault someone-” Sami looked pointedly at her twin sister, who held up a hand dismissively “-decided to get it on with the Puckerman twins while wearing my uniform. Can you just get it clean before Mom gets home? I’ll do the dishes for a week? Thanks, you’re the best.”

She hung up and glared at Santana, pressing her phone against her cheek. “You know, you’re lucky that Christie’s back from college, and that you have an easily swayed sister like me. I would so drop you in it and leave you to deal with the consequences if Christie hadn’t gotten a word in first.”

“Will you shut up for just one second?” Santana hissed, raising her hand again and almost hitting Sami in the process. Santana’s eyes were wide and her cheeks were tinted pink. Sami followed Santana’s line of sight, to the piano, where Brittany and Bonnie  were giggling behind their hands and showing maybe a little too much skin to be considered appropriate.

Sami smirked and sat back, crossing her arms and getting comfortable as she called the blonde twins over.

Drabbles IOU: 1

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