Sunday, 10 April 2011

Type Steph Type!

I have thirteen minutes to write and publish thia blog post, so this is going to be really short. I was going to blog earlier but I had to have a shower and it slipped my mind.

I'm all packed for Wales, aside from things that need to be put in last-minute (i..e toothbrush, laptop charger, etc.), and we're just about set to go. I've got things to do on the train to keep me entertained, too. I'm going to let a couple of episodes of Gossip Girl load before we leave, so I can watch it even without internet connection ... and there's a multi-chap fic that I want to read so I'm going to open all of the chapters in seperate tabs so I can read it all.

Have you ever sat in front of your computer with the intention of writing, and you have a bunch of ideas to write down and you want to get it down quickly because you're really psyched about it? And then you put your fingers on the keys, and the ideas just drain out the side of your head? So you stare at the screen blankly for several minutes, wondering what you were going to do?

That's happened to me several times over the past few months in regards to creative writing, but it also happened right now, with this blog post. I knew what I wanted to write when I opened the tab, but I've hit a blank and cannot remember a thing.

And so, with five minutes to spare, I have managed to acheive yet another day of BEDA.

Drabbles IOU: 3

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Actually that was a really entertaining post to read! You're so lucky! I wish I could go to Wales. Right now.

    Trust me, I know what you're talking about. I'm really excited to blog about something... and then I forget. ARGH.
