Monday, 25 April 2011

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid

If it weren't for the 'Drabbles IOU', I would have lost count on how many days I've missed this month. Ten. And I still have five days to go -- oh lordy.

On Saturday, I went to my uncle's house for a BBQ. We watched Doctor Who (absolutely amazing! cannot wait for next week!) and then Glee (Mum missed it last Monday), and I had a lot of fun. My uncle and I are like one in the same -- we have so much in common, it's crazy. He's great.

I ... genuinely don't have much to say. I go back to school tomorrow, we're in for three days and then we have Friday off because of the Royal Wedding. No matter where you go now, the wedding is there. There's merch, the bride and groom's faces, just everything. It's pathetic. I don't even care about the Royal Wedding. I mean, sure, they're in love and getting married, that's great. But I'm not going to celebrate it because I don't care about them. It's just yet another over-hyped upper-class heterosexual ceremony, and the media wouldn't give a monkey's backside if the groom wasn't ~royalty. When they legalise same-sex marriage, then I'll bloody celebrate.

Anyway, I have to go. The shower is calling. See you tomorrow!

Drabbles IOU: 10

1 comment:

  1. EXACTLY! I'm kinda tired about the whole Royal Wedding fuss. I mean, wth? a) It's not like I'm attending and b) normal people do NOT advertise and publicise their weddings so much. Everywhere. Every-freaking-where I see those stupid banners. If they're getting married, well, good for them, but I don't give a damn.

    the media wouldn't give a monkey's backside if the groom wasn't ~royalty

    Yeah, exactly. Talk about no democracy.
