Thursday, 15 April 2010

Maybe I'll wake up for once.

Title has nothing to do with the blog. I'm just listening to Going Under by Evanescence.

I have a lot of things I want to share with you today because I've been bottling up all my blog ideas and I think I might spontaneously combust into flames if I don't get it all off my chest. And, chances are, I'll probably forget half of the things I was planning to tell you, because I am very forgetful. Hence the reason one of my friends called Jess (I have three friends called Jess ... and I talk to two other people called Jess. Ah!) calls me 'Goldie' ... which is short for Goldfish ... because Goldfish have short memories. Moving swifty on!

You know I said I was going to make a better Kiro icon?
← That would be it. Isn't it so much better than the first one I made?
(This is where you nod obediently despite what you really think, 'kay?)

2. I figured out how to animate pictures! I'm really pleased with myself. Unfortunately, even when I optimise the animated icon or whatever, it takes up a lot of space, so I've only made one so far. And it's Hermione/Ron, which is a ship I don't even support, but whatever. When inspirations strikes, you just go with it, even if it's out of the norm. I've got a couple more in mind, too. Unfortunately, for some God unknown reason, the icon doesn't work on the blog (thank Merlin for Ctrl+Z), so I'm just going to link you to it, 'cos I posted it on DeviantART ... So, just clicketh here to see it. I'm really excited about it ^.^

3. Hayley G. Hoover wrote a really lovely, truthful blog the other day. Well, I say blog. It was more a piece of creative writing, and it's so inspirational. And so, here is the link to A Pretentious Portrait of Pretension. It's not too lengthy, it'll only take a couple of minutes to read, but it really is beautiful. Hayley is a fantastic writer.

4. I've started making stamps, now, too. I've only made one - and I have a second half-finished. It's not fantastic; I'm not keen on it. But I have a ton of ideas, thanks to my thoughts keeping me up last night, so I'm going to go on a stamp-frenzy once I've finished today's entry. I'll share with you the one I made...
Now, if you know me well enough, you know I squeal or squeak when I'm excited/in fangirl mode. However, it doesn't sound like a squeal or a squeak. It sounds like "squee". Imagine a really squeaky voice saying "squee" really fast, or for a long time (squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee), and that's what you get when I'm excited. It generally happens when I read fluff, or slash, but it also happens nearly every time I see Kiro (Cinema Bizarre) or Dougie Poynter (McFLY), or I just generally get excited over something. Because I'm a nerd, I'm allowed to obsess and overreact.*

5. Today is Emma Watson's 20th birthday. In honour of that, I made an Emma Watson signature banner. It's alright, I quite like it, but I can see room for major improvement. Happy Birthday, Emma! ♥

6. The layout on KW changed drastically overnight, and honestly, I think it's bearable but awful. It looks like a proper kids' site now. I mean, it is a kid/teen site ... but now it looks like a site for little kids, now for kids aged 7-18! I don't like it, but we're going to have to live with it. Allen and Tanya - people who work with the site (Tanya runs it) - said they're working on skins for people who want calmer, duller themes. I will definitely be using these skins because the site truly looks horrible now. It's so bright and childish. Yuck. I so prefer the old KW... *sigh* When I signed in earlier, I didn't expect it, and I freaked out. But at the end of the day, I'm only on there for the people, and until I can contact all my friends off of KW, I will remain an active member.

7. I'm adding this because I forgot what else I wanted to say, and so the title will relate to the blog xD Sometimes, I seriously think my life is a dream. Not that anything special or extraordinary happens, because they don't. It's just ... the friends I have are too good to be true, sometimes even I surprise myself with some of the things I say, and I get really bad cases of dejá vu where I dream something - an ordinary, everyday situation - and then it happens within the next forty-eight hours. I just keep thinking to myself, "I'm going to wake up in a minute. Wait ... I never think like this when I'm actually dreaming." Heh.

"We're all so laughably similar in our attempts to be sickeningly different." - Hayley G. Hoover.

On that note, I'll leave you, because I've forgotten everything else I wanted to say (told you it would happen). Keep blogging. (:

*I just spent twenty minutes trying to find that video to link it. I'm so dedicated to nerdiness.

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