Friday, 9 April 2010

My Childhood; Part Two

I have no willpower today. I practically forced myself to write today's Dribble Drabble, I still need to update fanfiction, and I can't be bothered to blog. But I'm forcing myself to, or else BEDA (BAEDA, more like, Steph) will be ruined, and so soon, too. I'm going to embarrass myself now with more things from that stupid little notebook. Oh, the joys. You're lucky that I have little dignity. Or else I would not be sharing this with you.

On Wednesday 11th August 2004 (I was such a specific little child, wasn't I?) Serena is going to take me out for lunch at 1 oclockpm. She is taking me down town for lunch on Wednesday (just covered that, lil me). Serena is the best babysitter in the whole world (It's true. She was). She makes brilliant things (She was very artistic). When she babysitted me at [address blocked] we had a great time making things. We have great time together.

So from what I can gather, I didn't reread what I'd written before writing, and I was very specific. I mean ... I'm still padantic NOW ... but not quite as much as I was when I was younger, it would seem xD I also had bad grammar... "babysitted" xD. The next few pages are filled with bad drawings of cats, frogs and rabbits xD
And then...

I was away for a week because I had Tonnsilittes. On Monday I went to school but on tuesday I went to the doctors and the doctor said I had Tonnsilittes and I had to stay off school for the rest of the week. I was sick twise on Tuesday and I Didn't want to go and do the shopping with my nanny, my mummy and sophie. On Wednesday I watched fairly odd parents and spongebob squarepants and

I can't make out what I said here. The handwriting is too scruffy. I suffered from tonsillitus a lot when I was younger; this was nothing new. Apparently, in boredom, I wrote journal entries. Because, just like now, I really had nothing better to do xD On the next page, there's this creepy short story that I can't read very well due to the hundreds of spelling mistakes, but from what I can make out, it's about a girl who can turn into a snake and likes to suck peoples blood. Lovely.

And then... and then... proof that even at the age of seven, I was a Potter fan! Granted, I hadn't read the books at that age, but I was obsessed with the movies! Now, by this point, only the first three movies had come out, and I wrote a factfile. Haha xD

28th November 2004            Harry potter information
1. Harry Potter wears glasses
2. Hermione granger secretly has a timeturner that was given to her by proffeser migonagall
3. Ronald Weasleys rat who actually apears to be peter petegrew is always getting lost
4. Harry potter is in great great danger
5. Hermione Granger loves school
6. Ronald Weasley is terrified of spiders
7. all three of them are best friends


What I find amusing is that I could spell 'terrified', but not 'appears' xD And I couldn't spell McGonagall because I had never read the books, so I only had the pronounciation to go by. Don't blame my seven year old self xD Then we just have some timestables, and then a story that never got finished...

On November 5th a fire started at Shannon [last name blocked] house, the number and street is [address blocked]. The fire men couldn't stop the fire it was that great. We asked Shannon if she could tell us how the fire started. "I don't know, it's true, I was in my room and my mum shouted FIRE!" said Shannon quite quietly. Later on, the house was smashed into pieces. The Next day We asked Shannons mum is she could tell us how the fire started. "I left the oven on but I didn't mean to!" said Shannon's mum

And then it ended. My younger self had a tendency to start things and never finish them. And to use people I know as characters. This Shannon girl used to be my best friend. We were inseperable ... until we went to Secondary school, where we drifted (but we're still friends). The address I blocked was actually my old school's address, so apparently I wanted Shannon to live at school xD

Let's see ... more timestables, handwriting practises, a game of hangman, noughts and crosses.... ah, Vocabulary Thingy. I'll save that for tomorrow's blog, eh?

Speaking of tomorrow... second episode of Doctor Who, at 6:15PM, BBC1! I'm so excited! Are you? You should be, because Doctor Who is awesome. (:

← I had to live in that for a few days. That's the "spare room" I mentioned. I pressed myself right up against the wall/door, with the handle jabbing my side, to take this picture, and still, you can't see the floor space between the wall and the foot of the bed. Even so, there isn't much of it, so what does it really matter? xD It's tiny, and a deathtrap. I sustained so many injuries in that room; I kept hitting myself and knocking into things xD

Anyway, bye for now (:

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, that is a TINY room. Poor you :/
    The notebook section is veeeery amusing :L
    I used to keep notebooks at that age...but I don't any more.
    -Lizzie, aka loupylou.powell
