Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Together we'll discuss HTML and C++ ...

Aichmophobia is the fear of sharp and/or pointy things, like needles, knives and - if it's really bad - even sharpened pencils. I suffer from it, but not to the pencil extent (though, after my baby cousin unintentionally stabbed my arm with a pencil and made me bleed, I've been a little less comfortable around them). Yesterday's blog was a little, very real story (that I actually used for Dribble Drabble yesterday, too) about my third and final - yes! - cervical cancer jabs. Needles. Terrify. Me. As do things like knives and other pointy/sharp things. Understandably. But I mean, my fear is, well, pretty insane. I didn't start cutting up my own food until I was, like, nine because I didn't want to touch a knife. Even now, I still find myself jumping when the knife slides across the plate or whatever. They're horrid, horrid things. I didn't want to post anything with the story; I was afraid of ruining the mood and stuff, so I just left it as it is without explanation. I kind of freaked one of my friends' out, because she read it on KWC, and she's having the vaccinations next year. Sorry, Eternity! ... Even though I don't think you read this xD

Moving swiftly on...

My form has Interform Finals for basketball tomorrow, and I'm a bag of nerves*. Interform is something my school does at the end of every term. Each year has set sports, one for girls, one for boys, one mixed. For example, this time round, it was girls' football, boys' hockey and mixed basketball. I was with basketball. We sort ourselves into a team for each sport, and then we play against other forms in our year. Whoever comes first and second goes into the finals, where we play against people from South school and from the other campus**. We played before Easter half-term, and we came first. Alas, we're in the finals.We're playing on the other campus, and we miss the last lesson (which is English with the decent teacher. Damn). I'm so scared that I'm going to let the team down. I mean, it's not like I'm bad at basketball. Quite the opposite, actually. And I love it with all my heart; I don't even let asthma stop me playing (I usually take advantage of my asthma to sit out during sports xD). But I'm almost shaking at the thought of letting the team down.

On a random final note, I highly suggest you check out the VenetianPrincess Parody of Womanizer. You'll love it more if you're a nerd, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it even if you're not. VenetianPrincess is amazing, and even more awesome because she's signed to DFTBA. Over the past few days, I can't stop listening to this song. Even though I first heard it ages ago, the song and I didn't click together until recently. Heh.  

Together we'll discuss HTML and C++.
Uh huh.
Womanizer womanizer womanizer womanizer.

Keep blogging!

*I originally typed "I'm a bag of nerds." there. Nerdiest typo ever xD
** Our school is divided into two parts; North and South. Although we share the same campus, we don't have the same classes or anything. There's no specific "area" for North and South. It's just a way of categorizing. I'm in North. And we have two campuses, because when it was one school there were over 3000 students (Now, we have 2000 students at my campus). The other campus is about twenty minutes away by coach.

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