Saturday, 3 April 2010

"Blog Every Day in April", Half-Term, and Books.

'Blog Every Day in April', often called BEDA, is something a lot of nerdfighters do. Or, at least, did last year. A few of them are doing it again this year, like HayleyGHoover. Some, like Kristina Horner are doing BMFA (Blog More Frequently In April). How do they DO it? Quite frankly, I wouldn't have the inspiration nor the time to blog EVERY day in April. BEDA is also 'Blog Every Day in August', which Kristina says she's going to do with Maureen Johnson (author). But, still, it seems next to impossible to blog every single day for an entire month. Ahh!

In other news, it's half-term! I go back to school on 19th April, but until then, freeeeedom! Which will probably be spent locked up in my room reading, writing, blogging and generally being anti-social. For this first week, my best friend Jess has gone to Yorkshire so I definitely won't be going out, but we'll probably arrange to do something when she gets back (like finally going to Alice in Wonderland, which we've been rescheduling for weeks). My aunt and her husband are coming down from Ipswich this weekend for a couple of days, and like always, I'm getting kicked out of my room to make room for them. Just because my mum doesn't want to give up her double bed and my grandparents don't want to give up theirs, I have to give up my single bed and my futon because I don't get a say in the matter. Arrghh. I'm a teenage girl, I like my privacy, and I don't want adults snooping around my room! But now I have to share my mum's room for a couple of days. And I never sleep well in her room! It gives me the creeps.

I've challenged myself to read at least three books this half-term, because I haven't been reading much, and if I want to complete my 2010 Book Count challenge by the end of the year, I need to pick up the slack - and fast. Since January, I've only read three books. And that's not acceptable.

There isn't really a point to this blog, other than to tell you what I've told you. Usually, I start writing a blog with a purpose in mind, but this was more of a "I'll just open up a new blog page and see what spews out." Alas, this was born.

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