Friday 30 April 2010

Steph Actually Has An Idea!

For the second blog of today, I actually have an idea! I'm going to look at the titles of all of April's blogs, and write whatever comes to mind when I first read it. I thought it might be quite fun.

"Blog Every Day in April", Half Term, and Books - Such a long time ago!
I can't resist a challenge, okay?! - Some things never change.
Google Fail - Haha! I remember that!
Sherlock Holmes: Film Review - Wow. That was a great movie.
Home For Christmas: A Short Story - Still proud of that! Squee.
My Childhood: Part One - Headdesk.
Dribble Drabble - I need to get an idea for todays ...
My Childhood; Part Three - Headdesk.
Star Whales are Pwetty -They are, indeed, quite cute
We'll run away together, spend some time forever - WEEZERRR!!!
So forgive me, my darling, we all have impossible dreams - ALEX DAY!!!
My Muse Has Gone on Holiday - The cheek of her!
Tooth Fairy, I've Got One For You! - Oh, there's a surprise.
Maybe I'll wake up for once - I do like my lay-ins.
How old are YOU? - Thirteen, last time I checked.
Britain's Got Talent - I know it does. I'm in it. XD
Tardis bang bang, Daleks BOOM! - Haha. Good episode.
I Got Me Some Tardis Self-Destruct Buttons - I want to get me some more of those.
An Insight to Offline Happenings - God, that sounds boring.
Imma Be a Busy Bumble Be - Imma Imma Imma Be.
He had a one-hand feel on the steering wheel... - *groan* I just got that song out of my head.
Awful TV Shows - There's a lot of those.
Not if you're going on a bear hunt! - Haha. Gotta love those inside jokes.
Goldie's Back! - Hand me a Rememberall.
Why is YOUR day awesome? - Because the fiveawesomegirls are, well, awesome.
Aichmophobia - Evil needles.
Together we'll discuss HTML and C++ - Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer, womanizer.
Sadly, he has much to learn - Selfish brat.
You're in a jammy situation - That was a really crappy pun.

So, that wasn't fun at all, but oh well. Happy April 30th, people! BEDA you next year, me thinks.

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