Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Tooth Fairy, I've Got One For You!

For the record, I don't believe in the tooth fairy and I don't get money from her. Just thought I'd clear that up before we begin xD

My muse seems to have come back! Well, a little bit ... I've been photoediting throughout the day. Half of the stuff turned out horrible and I didn't save it, but I did manage to make icons of all the band members in Cinema Bizarre (except Luminor because he freaks me out). However, I'm going to re-do Kiro's because his doesn't really match the others. I made his first, and I was just experimenting, so it's not as good as the other four, in my personal opinion. I'm going to make signature banners to go with the icons later if I have time, too.

See? All of the backgrounds are dark, except for Kiro's. This was unintentional ... but Kiro's definitely needs re-doing. These are the only things I actually saved today, out of the tons of things I made. Today has been an "experiment" day. Although, even though I've spent ages photoediting, I haven't even thought about making more Doctor Who icons. Hm ... odd. I'm going to start on some Harry Potter icons later, if I have time, because I've only made a few before - months ago - and I trashed them because they were beyond awful. I also haven't tried to make any stamps today, either.

But at least I know how to get inspired ... just flick through a few pages on DeviantART and BOOM, I get a strong urge to make stuff. I guess, looking at all the excellent work on there, I want to try and live up to that. And to live up to that, I need to practise practise practise!

In other news, I read nearly all of Point Blanc last night, and finished it this morning, so the review can be found hither. A good book, I promise you. I still need to write my Dribble Drabble today; have no clue what to write about ... I think I might do a Charmed fanfiction today. I've never written anything for Charmed before, though I've had ideas. Speaking of Charmed, I should make some Charmed icons at some point ... hmm ...

Anyway.... other news ....

I pulled my tooth out last night! And normally, when I pull a tooth out, I just say "Yes! Got another one", stop the bleeding and move on with my life. But this one has given me nothing torture for the past couple of years, altered my eating habits, caused me pain every time I brushed my teeth or washed my face. Why, I hear you ask, has it done all this? Because it was vertical, and it was a canine tooth. Yes, you heard me. Vertical. The adult tooth grew behind it and pushed it forward, so I've had a baby canine tooth (you know how pointy they are!) sticking into my lip for the past few years. Every time I brushed my teeth, that tooth would hurt whenever the brush touched it. Every time I washed my face, I couldn't wash my chin properly because the tooth would press against my lip more. I couldn't eat certain foods because of it.

In fact, one of the many dentists I saw told me that in his nineteen years of being a dentist, he had never seen a tooth like mine. Even so, the dentist never took it out and it's never been wobbly enough to pull it out. The past couple of days have been hell for me; I've barely eaten anything and it's been causing me agony. So last night I sat there in front of the laptop, twisting it and pulling it. It hurt like hell, but it was nothing compared to the pain it's caused me recently. And then it came out. It feels really weird, because now I can feel how my front tooth on the bottom is slightly in front of the tooth next to it, which I've never been able to feel before ... but I'm so grateful it's out ^.^

So, on that personal but joyful note, I will leave you, because I'm out of things to say. I need to go write up a drabble, and then get back to photoediting. Have a nice night, people.

Keep blogging!

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